Could you zip up the code for the web site and give us a link to it?

          >                To:     "NT System Admin Issues"         
                    Sent by: "Gavin           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
                    Landon"                   cc:                                      
                    <glandon@geeksatwo        Subject:     RE: Dell servers vs. Compaq 
                    08/30/2001 02:40                                                   
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "NT System Admin                                                   

I don't know about Dell, but I know that Compaq has some awesome remote
administration tools as well as some sweet objects for creating your own
stats.  We have a website that goes and queries 2000+ servers and displays
status information in 2 to 3 seconds.  One of our NT Admins made this
website and he had no prior web development experience.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ralph Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 4:08 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re:Dell servers vs. Compaq

Dell support has been good in the past.  Dell is currently selling their
at or just above cost to increase their market share of installed
would not take this as a good sign since this will increase their support
calls...all other things being equal.

I have never had a problem with Dell or COMPAQ server support.  The bottom
is COMPAQ has a longer history of making servers.  If my choice was based
server cost, Dell gets the nod.  If I base the decision on quality, history
cost then COMPAQ gets the nod after a lot of head scratching....just like
going through now :-))


____________________Reply Separator____________________
Subject:    Dell servers vs. Compaq
Author: NT System Admin Issues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:       08/30/2001 1:19 PM

The company has <almost> 100% Compaq servers.     Now there is a
requirement to do a comparison between Compaq and Dell, probably because of
the cost difference.     What experiences have you had with Dell -
reliability, support, upgrades etc?    Anyone running them both in the same
network?   I'm all familiar with Insight Manager etc and we even have a few
of the remote insight boards installed.    Does Dell have equivalents?
How about doing things like firmware upgrades?

Thanks in advance for your time and help on this.   If you have any docs
you want to send me, feel free to email it directly to me.

Thanks - DR

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