Yeah, basically that is what shes doing. Its full of holes, first off
just being a typed message, with no header info, and secondly, wait till
you guys get this. She put for the time zone Pacific Daylight Time.
Heheeh I have been unable to even reproduce a message from that time
zone :). I spoke with the lawyer today, and he is bringing in an email
expert (ie exchange), as well as we printed email from
yahoo,hotmail,outlook,outlook express, and none of course look
anything like this word document.

Thanks for the tip on the legal document Im going to have to look into
that as well.

-----Original Message-----
From: David James [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 12:58 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Legal Email Issues - Dont shoot me :) -

So, she typed an email saying you sent it?   I must have missed that...
That's really cold.  
"hell hath no fury..."

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Zachary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 11:05 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: Legal Email Issues - Dont shoot me :) -

This is kind of a personal issue, but maybe someone could help me out as
it relates to legalaties for email. My x-wife typed stuff up in word to
look like an email and put threats and various obscenties in it. There
is no header info just says subject,to,from and the offending text it
could simply be typed in word (and was btw!:) ). 
Anyhow, I went online to,,, outlook,
outlook express, and and printed up an email from each to show
that this isnt what an email looks like. I also printed the header info
from both outlook and outlook express to show server transactions. My
lawyer is bringing in 'an email expert' to certify the email doesnt show
anything. Any ideas.. would be grateful
Although this is pertaining to my personal problem, it may be
interesting to know what the law is viewing as a valid email vs.
fraudlent email. I read up on some cases online but most dealt with
spammers and not holding an email for an assault or contract negotation.
Thx to any who have some ideas!

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