I'm very very happy with GS Fax Pro. [http:\\GSFax.com].

It's an email to fax gateway. Works wonderfully with almost zero maintance.
I tied it into our order entry software so our sales reps can send
literature with only a few clicks of the mouse. They love it and I haven't
had to touch it in months. I have it setup to use a modem on the server, but
I *think* it can use the Net too, for a monthly fee of course.

If you want a smaller, single person kinda solution, check out eFax.com.
They have Windows software that will let you send out faxes through Outlook,
Word, whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: thomas smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2001 2:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: email to replace fax?

I currently do my own price requests for equipment.  (Purchasing does
everything EXCEPT computer gear.)  I use WinFax Pro.  I have a database of
recipients, organized into groups, based on hardware/software/whatever for
which I require pricing.  Using WinFax Pro requires that I use my
modem.  This is currently NOT a problem.

But I HAVE been thinking...  Perhaps I could accomplish the same thing via
email.  I personally don't use Outlook...yet.  I'm still using Eudora.  But
from what I've seen, it doesn't APPEAR that either is particularly
conducive to creating groups to accomplish the same thing.

So I've been wondering...  Assuming I'm correct about neither being
particularly suited to doing what I'm wanting to do, does anyone know of
some kind of email "app" that would allow this?  (I know that WinFax Pro
can interface to email.  And I tried it...once.  It sucks...assuming I was
using it as designed...which I think I was.)  Other than my Eudora client,
Outlook or Exchange Server, I am ignorant of email package(s) for ANYTHING.

Thanks in advance, you help is appreciated. :)

Thomas Smith
IT Supervisor, AKA: Systems Administrator,
Network Administrator, Database Administrator,
Security Administrator, Email Administrator,
Telecommunications Administrator, Webmaster
Henry Co Water and Sewerage Authority
770.957.6659 (v)   /   770.898.8416 (f)



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