We use NAVCE 7.5 as well.  We were never able to get the Live Update to work
reliably.  Somewhere on the Symantec site is a document that outlines an
alternate procedure for downloading updates by FTP.  For what it's worth,
the following is our procedure:

Use AT to schedule the following batch file on our NAV server:
"d:\program files\nav\cegetter.bat"

--- cegetter.bat ---
ftp -s:d:\progra~1\nav\cescript.txt
c:\temp\sarcx86.exe /q /dump /vdb c:\temp
copy c:\temp\*.vdb d:\progra~1\nav
del /q c:\temp\*.vdb
del /q c:\temp\sarcx86.exe

--- cescript.txt ---
open ftp.symantec.com
cd public/english_us_canada/antivirus_definitions/norton_antivirus/static
lcd C:\temp
get sarcx86.exe

Each client periodically checks the parent server and downloads the updates
automatically.  Once we adopted this method of retrieving updates we no
longer had problems.

Michael Ellis

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard McClary [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 8:36 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: NAV-CE updates

I have a continuous fight with NAV-CE 7.5 trying to get definition
updates.  My main LiveUpdate Administrator faithfully downloads updates
each and every night (according to the logs).  Now, I have two
"servers".  From each one, I can go to the "support" area (in the console)
and download definitions.  I can even "run" the update.  However, each
server (as well as all the clients) still show the old definition on the
console (as well as on the NAV client app when opened).

I went through this back in AUG, so definitions went from early AUG to
22-AUG.  That's where they are now.  From the server consoles, I jump
through all the hoops to which I am pointed to force updates to both
servers and all clients.  The consoles claim to have updated them, but I
still see 22-AUG.  Furthermore, in the NAV logs and in the W2K Event Logs,
I NEVER see update errors!

One thing more - if from one of the consoles I try to run LiveUpdate
(looking to the LUAdministrator machine) from the NAV app, it goes through
the sequence "Looking for update", etc, then when it gets to "Installing
the update", it hangs.  The hour glass stays there, and the animation
continues indefinitely.  (In the Task Manager, I do not see it running as
an app, and I can't identify it as a process.  CPU and RAM usage are
low.)  Again, no change in definition versions.

Yes, I've looked through the books and the Symantec KB.  AAARRRGGGHHH!

Richard D. McClary                    | Systems Administrator
ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1717 S. Philo Rd, Suite 36, Urbana, IL| (217) 337-5030 ext. 261



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