Title: Installing second CPU
Thanks, Just what I was looking for.

Blake Fowkes
Waid and Associates

-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Beckham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 2:02 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Installing second CPU

Here is the instructions from Anthony Bennett that I followed and they worked perfectly!  Especially the last paragraph.

Adding a 2nd processor

Forget UPTOMP.

I have successfully used the following technique as provided by Microsoft:

1) Put 2nd processor in

2) Regurgitated from archive:


I would recommend against using Uptomp.exe unless you have revision 3 of the

NT4 Resource Kit. A simpler way to do this is to edit the hidden, read-only

file called setup.log that's in the \WINNT\Repair directory and reapply your

current service pack. Update.exe from the service pack relies on

information in setup.log for the proper files to install, it does not do any

discovery process, so if the wrong information is in that file, a dual

processor computer can be blindly returned to single processor mode.

Six files in the System32 directory determine NT's multiprocessor

capability. NT is multiprocessor by default which is why we load the

mutliprocessor kernel during a fresh install. Later during that install, if

only a single processor is found, we install hal.dll or halapic.dll and

rename it to hal.dll and copy in ntoskrnl.exe. Setup will also "smash

locks" on four other files, kernel32.dll, ntdll.dll, win32k.sys and

winsrv.dll to make them single processor versions. Failure to alter those

four files will burden a single processor computer with about a 5%

performance hit.

Therefore, the manual way to do an upgrade is, from a command prompt only

(using a GUI will give you an access violation) rename the current six files

to *.old and copy in fresh versions of





halmps.dll and rename it to hal.dll

ntkrnlmp.exe and rename it to ntoskrnl.exe

Of course, these had better be files from your current service pack and not

from the original CD.

Now you're left with the problem of the setup.log file containing single

processor information. The next service pack install will move you back to

a single processor version of NT. So edit that file with the following

information, being careful to enter the correct checksums which will tell

the next service pack not to "smash locks" on four files.

\WINNT\system32\ntoskrnl.exe = "ntkrnlmp.exe","e76ab"

\WINNT\system32\hal.dll = "halmps.dll","1a01c"

\WINNT\system32\kernel32.dll = "kernel32.dll","5b7f8"

\WINNT\system32\ntdll.dll = "ntdll.dll","59c19"

\WINNT\system32\win32k.sys = "win32k.sys","132603"

\WINNT\system32\winsrv.dll = "winsrv.dll","37b4e"

Do a notepad search on the individual file names to find these lines, since

they are not together in setup.log. OK, now you're done. Or, edit the

setup.log first and reapply your current service pack. That's the quick way

to do this.



Anthony Bennett

-----Original Message-----
From: Blake R. Fowkes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:41 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Installing second CPU

I am wanting to install a second processor in my Dell 1400 server.  Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what I will need to do to Windows NT 4.0 server to make sure I do not mess things up.

Blake Fowkes
Waid and Associates


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