How much less likely is one to get infected running as a non-admin? Does it 
depend on the OS? I ask because I've cleaned up infections on Windows7 Pro PCs 
where the user was definitely not running as an admin. One PC in question was 
also set up to require additional credentials for any software installation. We 
never did determine the source of the malware.



From: Jon Harris []
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 9:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Home Antivirus

>From personal experience it does not matter how good the anti-malware software 
>is if you have users (home or corp) that run as administrators regularly, 
>fight you tooth and nail on patching the machine, and download/install all the 
>"neat" stuff on the web they will get hit by something.  Previous $dayjob$ 
>once I got administration approval to pull admin privileges, start patching on 
>a regular basis, and require proof of need to install anything not on the 
>standard software list with proof that it was not going to open up the 
>internal network to a virus most of the anti-malware software will keep things 
>under control.  Most homeowners prefer to run with admin privileges, fight 
>patching, and install all kinds of garbage they really don't need.  Those are 
>the ones that get hit repeatably but malware.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:55 PM, MMF 
<<>> wrote:
Any comments on AVG? I've been using it for several years and it hasn't failed 
me yet!


From: Cynicalgeek<>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2012 7:27 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues<>
Subject: Re: Home Antivirus

The same things that infect MSSE also infect McAfee, Norton, et al.

If you're going the paid route, supposedly Kaspersky is the absolute best.

I've been using MSSE for almost 2.5 years and have been very pleased.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Ben Scott 
<<>> wrote:
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 7:45 PM, Richard Stovall 
<<>> wrote:
> Hurry up!  Time's almost out on the deal to get McAfee free for 3PCs.
"Receive a $55 prepaid card by mail from McAfee! Expires on 2/15/12 "

So in two days, the Internet will be a safer place.  ;-)

If I'm going the free AV route, I'd prolly go MS Security
Essentials.  While it's limited in features, it does stop malware and
spyware, and updates happen with Windows Update.  For all of WU's
problems, other things all seem to suck more.

-- Ben

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