On Jan 30, 2008 7:37 PM, Ken Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Um - so what happens when you upgrade a Windows NT box to Windows 2000 to
> Windows 2003? It'll still be using winnt.

  Yah, which might make things interesting.  Indeed, I recall seeing
at least one MSKB article about just that.  Some
update/add-on/whatever assumed Windows 2003 meant C:\WINDOWS and so
looked in the wrong place on an upgraded system.  There was a fix,
though I don't recall the details.  Likely either a registry tweak or
reissued update.

> Personally I haven't seen anything major stop working because I didn't use 
> c:\windows.

  Well, for the record, I've never seen anything major (from
Microsoft) stop working because of it, either.  I expect smaller or
more esoteric stuff is more likely to not get well tested, or be given
to less savvy teams inside Microsoft.

  Now, third-party software, that's another thing entirely.
Especially back when original Windows (not the NT line) was more
common; a lot of crappy third party vendors assumed C:\WINDOWS for
everything.  But I'm sure we all know there's no limit to how *bad*
software can get.  :)

-- Ben

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