Yeah, I'm outside of my "comfort zone" here. SharePoint templates are a
little different than templates as you describe. I just know that we
replaced ScrewTurn with WSS 3.0 and we were much happier. YMMV.


Michael B. Smith
MCSE/Exchange MVP

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 4:34 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Wiki for Windows

On Feb 11, 2008 3:59 PM, Michael B. Smith
> There are TOCs and auto-linking.

  Interesting.  There's quite a bit of whining from people who say it
doesn't have it.  Maybe they're based on out-dated experiences;
there's certainly enough of that all around.  Are there any
publicly-accessible WSS 3.0 wiki demos out there on the web?

> It supports SharePoint templates.

  Can one do something like {{myTemplate}} or %INCLUDE[myTemplate]% to
dynamically include the contents of one wiki page on another wiki
page?  (Such that if the included page is updated, the update shows on
the including page?)

> And category-wise, it supports group-based security.

  ???  Categories are ways to... well, categorize wiki pages.  Like this:

> Perhaps it isn't a "wiki for purists" - but it does a lot.

  Linux does a lot, but saying "Linux can do everything Exchange can
do" is bogus, too -- but I see that claim all the time from my friends
who are blind zealots for Linux.  :-p   I believe in calling a spade a
"spade", and not calling a duck a "spade" -- no matter how nice a duck
you may have, it'll still make a lousy spade.

-- Ben

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