Having an issue with the below scenario and i think i need to come at it from a 
different angle but need some more eyes/brains. I think the issue is to do with 
as the machine is in shutdown mode when the script runs the reg cannot be 
written to. any ideas on a different way of doing this? You can schedule tasks 
at startup and logon but not at shutdown or logoff.

Situation presents itself as follows:

Users who carry laptops get proxy settings assigned via gpo. When the users 
logoff and go home they logon to a cached copy of their profile. Hence we need 
a script to kill their IE proxy settings at shutdown.

So what i have done is create the script which toggle the proxy enable regkey, 
add it to a shutdown script gpo for the OU the laptops all reside in and whacko.

Running the script manually works a treat however running the script 
automatically at shutdown doesn't. If i turn on 'show shutdown scripts as 
visible" in gp a dialog box pops up which my eyes cant read. I have tried to 
photo it but i need to blow it up more than the phone will allow.

A few things:
wpad cannot be used
i can created a proxy.pac file which i could push to with gp however this is a 
per user setting not a workstation setting which is what i require. laptop 
users also do have pc's which they work from so we cant apply this policy on a 
user base
nothing of any sort in the event logs
there is a requirement that this process be totally transparent to the user
user access level has no bearing on the outcome.
OU structure doesnt allow for a user/logoff script instead of shutdown
local profiles on the laptop cannot be used on the laptop at home, must be 
cached domain profile



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