Sorry for the long post.  I'd appreciate it if you could hang in there
and read through this.  My question is, are anonymous connections

A document I have says "After you upgrade all the servers in the domain
hosting services that run as Local System and use Anonymous or null
credentials when accessing a domain controller. Such as Windows NT 4.0
RAS servers, remove the Everyone and Anonymous Logon groups from the
Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access built-in group.  This task increases
the security of your domain by preventing anonymous connections to the
domain controllers."

The document then suggests to do so with the command

  Net localgroup "Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access" groupname /delete

I can't remember if I did this back when I upgraded from NT to Server
2003.  I'm now running both the forest and domain in Server 2003 mode
with all DCs running Server 2003.

I logged onto my DC and executed the above command with Everyone
substituted in for groupname.  I got error

  System error 2 has occurred
  The system file cannot find the file specified

Doing the same substituting in anonymous for groupname I got error
  There is no such global user or group: Anonymous

I read you can test to see if anonymous access is disabled with the
  Net user \\servername\ipc$ /u:"" ""
I executed this command from another computer on the network and got
"Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."

I also read you can test anonymous access with the command
  Net user \\ipc$ /u:"" ""
I executed this command while logged on to the DC and got "System error
67 has occurred."  I wasn't sure if this command was actually valid so I
retried with a slight modification
    Net user \\localhost\ipc$ /u:"" ""
This time I got "The command completed successfully.

So the question is, is anonymous access still enabled or do I need to do
something further to disable it?  Thanks for your help.


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