That would be truly interesting if the issue was also related to the
display resolution.  In my case, my display resolution on each of my
systems that I have tested as being effected have had max'd
resolutions that were all beyond 1600x----

The issue stupefied me for the longest time, simply because I couldn't
image that IE7 issues would have any influence with right-click and
other in-application features.

But it did.  I confirmed it back and forth, by closing tabs and
reopening a single tab that caused IE7 to break this problem threshold
(including changing the sites of the tabs, the order, etc). I also
confirmed it on multiple systems at work and home.

Depending on the web page content, I've had the issue occur with as
little as 10 open tabs.  Mind you, the pages contained a lot of
thumbnails and/or AJAX objects.

IE7 has a repeatable issue with Gmail when it reaches a certain
threshold, and IE7's memory will skyrocket - consuming all available
memory until it crashes Windows or just crashes itself.

So when I see people blindly bitching about IE7 in forums, I imagine
they are issues centered around those I am illustrating here.  The
issues are not obvious to the cause, and were difficult to isolate
even to the relatively vague understanding that I have of them at this
point - which has only been accomplished by repeatedly observed

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:54 PM, Andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A curious thing though.
> Using windows and IE7 and firefox, I was running into the same issues
> as...Mike - Michael, then since I remote desktop all of the time my display
> got screwed up, somewhere between classic mode and the "all junk turned off
> in system cpl-> advanced-> performance.  And it wasnt just IE, all programs
> started showing the problems of "no right click dialog" plus other symptoms
> related to memory.  But I would have to say, it did not blue screen or
> reboot like it did in previous versions of windows.
> My resolution was at the max, 1280x1024, and the only resolution that would
> "look" ok was 1280x768.  Now I am not running into the memory problems of
> things not working.  Now I can have a lot more open than I did at
> 1280x1024.  31 assorted windows open ( i started closing some of them
> because I have to restart.)and 7IE windows with 29 tabs total.  I think I
> would of ran into memory problems a lot sooner when it was at 1280x1024.
> Actually, I know I would of....
> I have 2 gig of ram on my system.  I havent started looking into why I was
> having memory problems before the  resolution change.
> Andyof
> At 12:10 PM 6/20/2008, Micheal Espinola Jr wrote:
> Maybe I got the context of your silly comment mixed up.  My
> apologizes. I certainly don't want to put anything in your mouth.
> I said *IE7* sucks.  I have enjoyed previous versions of IE.
> It has become increasingly apparent that many people aren't aware of
> the memory issues and resulting oddities of IE7.  I thought as admins
> we strive for up-time and deferral of data/work loss.  Just because
> you haven't encountered an issue, doesn't mean that you wont, or that
> your users don't.  Information is good, right?
> I'm offering my personal experiences with a product that I have
> performed tests with.  I don't understand why people like you take it
> personally like I'm trying to tell you what to do.  I'm not.
> I never said it sucks for you or anyone else.  But ultimately, as
> product robustness goes, IE7 sucks - comparatively speaking (is that
> better for you?)
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Tim Vander Kooi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> For the record I never called your tab use silly. Nice job of putting
>> words in my mouth though. And your constant use of the phrase "IE sucks" is
>> not accurate. It may suck in your situation, but that doesn't mean it sucks
>> for everyone. Some of us have used it for many years with no issues what so
>> ever.
>> Tim
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Micheal Espinola Jr [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 10:53 AM
>> To: NT System Admin Issues
>> Subject: Re: Firefox 3.0 Download Day - TMP plugin?
>> I haven't told anyone to do anything. I'm only highlighting issues
>> that people are neglecting or nay-saying.
>> To call my use/reasons silly, is silly in itself.  You should gauge
>> and recommend products based on functionality and robustness. I
>> offered my example use as a reference to robustness.  If you want to
>> ignore that kind of data, then fine.  And when you finally reach a
>> point where IE7 stops cooperating - you might recall as to why.
>> I would otherwise not engage in a browser-war discussion.
>> OHHHH....   something I forgot!  Hahaha... This truly exemplifies why
>> IE7 sucks:  Its integration into the OS.  When you reach a memory
>> saturation point with IE7, explorer.exe-based functions will start to
>> stop working.  i.e. right click functionality in most any other
>> running app will stop working.  Some apps will fail to open documents
>> based on file-type associations.  There are a few other GUI oddities
>> that *will* occur as well, and will continue to occur until you reduce
>> the amount of memory that IE7 is using.
>> IE6 with Maxthon tabs never does not have that issue.
>> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Tim Vander Kooi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> But the fact is that you are an exception, not the rule. Very few people
>>> will ever have a legitimate need to have 50-100 tabs open at one time. I do
>>> a lot of online research also, but I rarely have a need to go about 10 tabs.
>>> It happens but not often. I go to all types of sites and have never once
>>> been exploited using IE. I'm not saying that FF isn't a good product, it is.
>>> I would never tell those who use it to change, but to tell someone to dump
>>> IE for FF because of the reasons you give would be bordering on silly.
>> --
>> ME2
>> ~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
>> ~ <>  ~
>> ~ Upgrade to Next Generation Antispam/Antivirus with Ninja!    ~
>> ~ <> ~
> --
> ME2
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> ~ <>  ~
> --------Andy-Ofalt---863-3449------405-Ag-Admin-Bldg------for more
> information go  to ---------- My little
> blurb to eat up bandwidth and make your mail box even larger
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  The real problem is that IP, a connectionless protocol, was never developed
> to be the universal protocol. ATM was developed to serve that purpose and
> failed.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


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