-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Buff [mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com] 
Subject: Re: Would this be good for IT, or what? (UNCLASSIFIED)

>> I went to Uni and got a degree with a major in Economics. I'm reasonably
>> appraised on major theories of economics, and whilst Keynes wasn't right 
>> about
>> everything, theories on aggregate demand and equilibrium are pretty 
>> mainstream
>> (you'll find them in any first year economics text).
>Mainstream or not, the art (I won't call it a science) of economics in
>its infancy. Just because Keynesianism is taught doesn't make it so.

However people with a better understanding of economics than you are willing to 
teach some Keynesian theories as part of broader view of economics (you'll get 
IS/LM, AD/AS - all the standard basic models).

Your dismissal of an entire major area of the field as effectively "complete 
rubbish" seems to be wilful blindness. Especially as you say that the area 
isn't settled.

> For governments, it's entirely another story. Debt for a government is
> something that can be manipulated in ways that individuals and
> businesses can't, because they hold the power of the gun - literally.
> They can, and do regularly, change the rules of the game to take
> advantage their subjects/citizens.

No one forces anyone to buy government bonds. People do buy them because it 
fits their risk/reward profile *even taking into account* the fact that 
governments can default, or inflate away debt or whatever. If governments stuff 
investors around too many times, people simply won't invest.


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