+ 1

APC is nice, but isn't the bees knees.  At my last job we ran some products 
from Server Tech (www.servertech.com) and I was really impressed.  They seem to 
be the little guy in a big room and their service and expertise made the 
transaction real pleasant.  In our case I miscounted and needed an additional L 
style cable that no one had locally, when I called to cry to our sales guy I 
got one shipped next day at no cost (on my mistake which I stated up front).

Their customer philosophy is the exact opposite of APC.



-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Schaefer [mailto:k...@adopenstatic.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 3:31 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: UPS recommendations

For first line UPSes, just about every enterprise I've been at seems to use 
APC. Probably because of the centralised monitoring tools (though I think they 
are pretty craptastic, but at least they exist)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:mailvor...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February 2009 3:57 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: UPS recommendations

Hi all,

  We had a power outage today.  I looked over at the server rack just
in time to see one of the UPSes light up like a Christmas tree, shriek
like an injured parakeet, and then kill itself.  (Admitted it was old,
but a graceful failure this was not.)  The servers with redundant
supplies failed over to the other UPS, which promptly went into
over-current alarm and dropped the load.  Either said UPS's management
software has been grossly misreporting its load, or two UPSes at 40%
load doesn't include enough margin during transfer.  Any which way you
slice it, it's time to buy some new UPSes.  I'm going to ask for two
entirely new 1400 or 2200 VA units (existing were 1000 VA), although
budget may be an issue.

  What do people like for UPSes, *and why*?  I don't see much
variation across manufactures in a given price band.  At a given
dollar amount, it seems I get roughly the same capacity, features,
etc.  I'm thinking differences in management software and quality of
support don't show up in a spec sheet.  Comments on that front are
especially welcomed.

  In particular, I'm interested in how to manage a multiple-server,
multiple-UPS scenario.  Our two biggest servers have redundant
supplies.  I'd like to plug each supply into a different UPS.  So each
UPS will be powering multiple servers, and each server will be drawing
power from multiple UPSes.  I imagine that makes the management
software configuration a bit trickier, specially since a lot of
management packages used to assume one-UPS-per-server.

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