I don't know if I would go that route, just on a basis of CPU "horsepower".

Most of the options I listed have either hardware cryptographic
accelerators or enough horsepower to do it in software.

The Linksys WRT54G(L) boxes have very, very weak CPUs and do not possess
the necessary hardware acceleration.

Derek Lidbom wrote:
> If it were me, I would have to drop $100 on two Linksys WRT-54GLs and
> try:
> http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/OpenVPN_-_Site-to-Site_Bridged_VPN_
> Between_Two_Routers
> I've had lots of luck with dd-wrt in other scenarios, and you could
> double your purchase and have redundant backups as easy and re-flashing
> an image (I'm assuming the VPN doesn't add complications with that).


Phil Brutsche

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