I use the following to query individual servers. It might help get you

- Sean

on error resume next
strComputer=InputBox ("Enter the server name")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from
For Each objItem in colItems
    If InStr(objItem.OtherTypeDescription, "R2") Then
        WScript.Echo "This computer is running Windows Server 2003 R2."
        WScript.Echo "This computer is not running Windows Server 2003 R2."
    End If
On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 7:01 AM, KenM <kenmli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Bonnie. This will help but I found a better key. The same place you
> recomended but the productname key give you either
> Microsoft Windows Server 2003
> or
> Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
> Thanks for your help, now just need to create a vbs or powershell script to
> pull this info.
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Miller Bonnie L. <
> mille...@mukilteo.wednet.edu> wrote:
>>  I don’t have a non-R2 WS03 server to check right now, but I believe you
>> need to look at the “CSDBuildNumber” value under
>> HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion             or
>> HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion
>> My R2 servers show this minor revision number at 4478.
>> -Bonnie
>> *From:* KenM [mailto:kenmli...@gmail.com]
>> *Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2009 7:10 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* 2003 R2
>> I need to find all 2003 R2 servers in my domain. Is there any easy way of
>> doing this. I am comparing the attributes on a base 2003 and 2003 R2 and do
>> not see any difference.
>> Thanks

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