On 16 Jul 2009 at 11:42, James Kerr  wrote:

> Sorry for the OT but I need to find a few differnent time and attendence 
> solutions. I am looking for a solution for a company with just over 100 
> employees located in three different locations.I need the solutions to be 
> priced less then $8k and it needs to support biometric clocks as well as the
> ability to punch though a computer interface. Oh, it also needs to be able
> to export the timesheet data so we can import it into our accounting 
> software for payroll. I listed below what I've looked into so far but if 
> anyone has any other suggestions I would appreciate it.
> Kronos - Too expensive
> WaspTime Pro - Seems pretty decent, fits budget
> Microsoft Dynamics - Too expensive
> Gatekeeper - Seems good, not sure yet about pricing.

I have a client with similar needs (multiple time clocks scattered across 6 
buildings, similar employee count).  They used to use eTime but recently 
switched to TimeVue:

    Products - Time Tracking Software

System is set up to call the timeclocks using a modem, although they also have 
IP-based timeclocks.  Data are formatted for import into Quickbooks payroll.



Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

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