awful stand-up of you to apoligize, but I don't think anyone was bothered by 
the change of direction on the thread ( especially not like some  of the silly 
personal and political ranting that goes on from time to time )
Your thread drift was not on topic for the thread subject, but as a 'community' 
I think it's good for us to communicate and get to know each other a bit ...  
I've had a friend or two have the zipper installed, so familiar with the 
issues.  Glad you seem to be on the way back, even with the little speedbumps 
in your way

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security 



From: Daniel Rodriguez [] 
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 9:37 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Open Letter and apology

To all,

I just want to say that I owe the list an apology. I did not want to 'hijack' a 
thread/conversation about my condition. The OT Friday Funny was a good joke, 
even my wife liked it. And she is in healthcare. 

For those who don't know, On July 27, I had open heart surgery to remove 5-1/2 
blockages that were in my heart. I was in the hospital for a week. A week 
later, I had to go back into the hospital because the fluids that are created 
because of the surgery, those tubes in your chest, were not draining, or being 
flushed out of my system and my feet and legs were starting to swell up. 
Fortunately, that was handled in time. 

It has been a real hard struggle just to recuperate. I am not used to 'just sit 
around and do nothing'. I want to get back to work. But, right now, I have not 
been cleared by my doctor to even drive, or even lift 10 lbs. ARGH! I am 
allowed to go on 'short' walks. This past Saturday, I even went for a two mile 
walk. It felt good. But I grow tired to easily and paid for it as I slept 
nearly all day, yesterday.

Again, I didn't mean to hijack that thread and should have known better. Sorry.

But for all those who did respond, thank you. It feels good to talk to others, 
especially when you have something in common.



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