I agree the noise here is far too high lately... But I don't delete the
messages (takes time) or use conversation view; is it that hard just to
ignore a thread, not read it, and move on?  Read what's important.  Most
on topic questions get answered quickly and thoroughly imo.
I think a little noise is needed to build a network and trust within the
contributors.  It gives my a good laugh too from time to time.  Stu
always seems to chime in at the right time to put things to a halt.


From: Christopher [mailto:c.bo...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 8:12 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Good NT sysadmin list?

Yeah, thank goodness for Gmail's conversation sorting (it has its

Althought I totally agree with Ben, you have to admit that the signal
itself has been pretty low lately so it makes the noise seem a lot

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Michael B. Smith
<mich...@owa.smithcons.com> wrote:

        If it weren't for OWA 2010's conversation view, I would've had
to drop out awhile ago. Thankfully, the Exchange list isn't quite as
        The only other "quality" forums I know of also have high-noise.
        From: Ken Schaefer [...@adopenstatic.com]
        Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 9:03 PM
        To: NT System Admin Issues
        Subject: RE: Good NT sysadmin list?
        Personally I don't really want to wade through 100 messages
deleting 75 of them. When you get 5-600 messages a day, pressing delete
for 75% of them isn't scalable.
        I'm with Ben - can we either have less noise, or can someone
recommend a better list?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Ray [mailto:rz...@qwest.net]
        Sent: Friday, 28 August 2009 6:14 AM
        To: NT System Admin Issues
        Subject: RE: Good NT sysadmin list?
        I'd be worried more if that 25% actually took up 25% of my time.
But the delete key's a beautiful thing.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Ben Scott [mailto:mailvor...@gmail.com]
        Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 3:09 PM
        To: NT System Admin Issues
        Subject: Good NT sysadmin list?
         Anyone here know of a good email list to discuss NT sysadmin
         Seriously, folks, the signal-to-noise ratio on this list is
going to hell.
        Today we had 15 messages on the definition of a word (here's a
        tip: www.google.com), 37 on a cartoon, 8 on banjos, 5 on the
security of Mac's, 7 that were basically bitching about lack of
recognition in one's job, 4 asking if the list was up (email asking if
email was working?!?), and
        1 get-well wish in a 3-day-old banned thread.  That's 77.  Oh,
and about 20 that were actually something like on-topic.
        That's a ratio of about 4:1, or 25%.
         Twenty five percent.  Ponder that a bit.  Would you work for
25% of your pay?  Would you pass a student with a 25% grade average?
         I  think it's one thing to have the occasional off-topic
message or thread, or occasional joke.  This is something else entirely.
This is the occasional on-topic message in a sea of crap.  I've seen Stu
kill more threads in the past 7 days than I've seen him do in the
previous year.  Is it too much to ask that people act like adults and
exercise a little self-discipline?
         Whatever happened to "on-topic and low noise"?
         I realize I've been a sometime contributor to some of this
myself, and from this point forward I'm going to strive not to be.  I
ask that you please all join me in that.
        -- Ben
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