On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Micheal Espinola Jr
<michealespin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the noise is far more worth than a sterile robotic forum.

  Since it seems that several people are having a hard time grasping
this concept, I will clarify: It is not the noise but the relative
fraction which I am complaining about.  I agree completely that
draconian rules on permissible discussion would kill this forum, and
that friendly remarks are the essential grease in any communication.
I'm not asking for topic fascism, and would object to it if proposed.
All I am asking for is self-discipline and common courtesy.  Hell,
having even *half* the traffic be on-topic would be a tremendous
improvement, given recent trends.

> Conversation/thread-view is a *must* in forums like this.

  I keep seeing this, too.  Yah, thanks guys, I was using message
threading before Microsoft had a mail client at all.  That doesn't
mean I think having to delete 75% of the traffic is a good thing.
Especially when the noise is often in the same thread with the
technical discussions.

-- Ben

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