That's what I'm looking at now.  Should that be run on the source, or target 
machine, or does it matter?  Also, is replmon available for 2k8?  The server 
I've been making the changes on is 2K8, and the replication is happening to one 
of my 2K3 DCs, but not the other.

>>> "Richard Stovall" <> 9/9/2009 9:34 AM >>>
Do you have the support tools installed anywhere?  You can use replmon
(GUI) or repadmin (CLI) to check/force replication.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 12:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

That's the issue, thanks Ken.  The other DC is not showing these
settings within the policy in sysvol.  Is there a way to check this
replication, to verify that it is even setup?

>>> Ken Schaefer <> 9/9/2009 9:17 AM >>>
If RSOP is not showing the setting, then check the DC that your client
is connecting to, to see what *it* thinks the policy should be (e.g.
load GPMC and target that DC). Verify that the relevant GPO objects in
sysvol are present on that particular DC.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, 10 September 2009 12:10 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: group policy updating

Application event log shows Event Code 1704:  Security policy in the
Group policy objects has been applied successfully.  However, running
rsop.msc following this does not show the new settings.  It does show
other settings from that GPO, but those were already in effect prior to
me adding the banner.

But the banner isn't coming up.  I'm guessing I'm going to have to
bounce the servers that aren't taking it, at this point, as there has
been plenty of time for policy updates, both manual by me, and
automatically through the system.

>>> Ken Schaefer <> 9/8/2009 9:13 PM >>>
Check event logs for any GPO processing errors Check your DC replication
status to work out whether the GPO has actually replicated to the DCs
that these clients are talking to etc


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Heaton [] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 September 2009 5:47 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: group policy updating

Hmm, thanks Devin.  I tried that on one of the machines, and the two
settings in question are not showing as being defined at all, much less
by a group policy.  I don't think this is one of those changes that
requires a reboot, at least the gpupdate didn't indicate it.  I'll give
it some time, and check it again in the morning...


Joe L. Heaton

>>> Devin Meade <> 9/8/2009 2:33 PM >>>
Try RSOP.MSC on the machine in question.

hth, Devin

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Joseph Heaton<> wrote:
> I'm updating a group policy, to add a login banner.  Some of the
machines in question had one, but they were added manually either to the
Local Security Policy, or directly to the registry.  I've gone in,
deleted any entries in these two locations, I've run gpupdate /force,
and logged out and back in.  When I do this, some machines show the
correct banner, and show it in Local Security Policy, grayed out, which
tells me it's getting it from GP.  Other machines don't seem to be
updating, even after sitting for a while.The successes and failures vary
from 2k3 to 2k8, physical, and virtual boxes.
> Anyone have any idea what I can look at to troubleshoot this?
> I've gone into GPMC, and run the Group Policy Results tool, using my
account on the boxes in question, and the results come back saying that
the desired group policy is supposed to be affecting it.
> Thanks,

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