And Java...

From: James Rankin []
Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2010 6:17 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: How do you feel about bloatware?

There are only three words that can explain how I hate bloatware and how to 
deal with it...Make Adobe Bankrupt
2010/1/6 Stu Sjouwerman 
Hi Guys!

(This is one of Stu's '30-second' surveys...)

How do you feel about bloatware? We're looking for a slogan of just a few 
words, remember the one we had for CounterSpy?: "Hit Spyware Hard". Which 
phrase expresses best how you feel about bloatware? Feel free to use the 
textbox at the end if you think you have a better one. If that gets chosen, 
you'll get an exclusive VIPRE t-shirt with that slogan. Here is the link. 
Thanks so much in advance!!!

Warm regards,

Stu Sjouwerman
Co-Founder, Publisher, Sunbelt Media
P: +1-727-562-0101 ext 218
F: +1-727-562-5199<>

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