More info:
I exactly get

STOP 0x0000001D (0x00000000, 0x00000002 , 0x00000008, 0x00000000 )
And this happens when the machine starts up. I can't log on since it is still 
in the process of installing new software so not everything is installed. Also 
any other mode (safe modes) didn't work either.
I'm wondering how can I troubleshoot this to isolate where the problem is.

--- El sáb, 27/3/10, Miguel Gonzalez <> escribió:

De: Miguel Gonzalez <>
Asunto: RE: windows xp on vmware IRL less than not equal
Para: "NT System Admin Issues" <>
Fecha: sábado, 27 de marzo, 2010 09:17

Ok, I'm back on this issue. I have booted on safe mode and the system gets 
stuck on agp440.sys. if i disable that, then it gets stuck on mup.sys and when 
disabled, ndis and then after ntfs.sys.
I'm assuming that the fact that I get the BSOD in that point is meaningless.
I have read your article but I don't see how I can enable the verifier.exe 
software on a machine that doesn't boot at all. Is that possible editing any 
file or through the recovery console?
I have a Windows XP installed manually on VMware. Can I get any driver 
information that would help me troubleshooting this? We need to have this to 
work since we need to test the unattended installation through WinPE. We 
install automatically other software.

If you want to know what an IRQL is, and how to figure out what’s causing the 
problem read parts 1 and 2 linked 
Otherwise, do as Charlie suggests – take out BartPE for the time being.  
CheersKen  From: Miguel Gonzalez [] 
Sent: Saturday, 13 March 2010 2:21 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: windows xp on vmware IRL less than not equal  I
might have expressed myself wrong. When I talked about unattend
installation I meant a Bart PE live CD which installs a fresh Windows
XP unattended. I'm not talking about any virtualization of a physical
machine here.


--- El vie, 12/3/10, John Aldrich <> escribió:
De: John Aldrich <>
Asunto: RE: windows xp on vmware IRL less than not equal
Para: "NT System Admin Issues" <>
Fecha: viernes, 12 de marzo, 2010 12:39IRQL
Not Less Than Or Equal usually points to a driver or hardware issue. I
had a user’s desktop which had a wireless card in it and after I pulled
all the add-on cards out the blue screen issue went away and I started
adding the cards one by one until it blue-screened again. Guess which
card it crashed on. You got it… the wireless card.My
point is, check all the drivers you have. May have to boot that vm in
safe mode, but you should be able to verify all the drivers.    From: Miguel 
Gonzalez [] 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 12:26 PM
To: NT System Admin
Subject: windows xp on vmware IRL less than not equal Hi,

have run an unattended installation of Windows XP on VMware server (the
latest version). When it boots I get a blue screen of death IRQ lesss
than not equal.

 Anyone had this issue? I can't find any entry on google that points me in the 
right direction...




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