Mush work?  Moving the messages out on dog sleds?

On Sat, Apr 17, 2010 at 1:17 PM, KenM <> wrote:

> I agree that TEC is a great conference to go to. This will be my third year
> going. Lots of really smart people to meet and listen to. I saw Brett's
> presentaion last year at Vegas and thought the same thing as you. I saw
> Brian Desmonds presentaions last year and thought they were excellent,
> looing forward to his again this year. I do not do that mush work on
> Exchange so I have not seen one of MBS presentaion but I met him last year.
> I have been on this list for several years now but usually do not have time
> to post, i look forward to seeing some of you there and put a face to the
> names I see posting all the time.
> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Free, Bob <> wrote:
>>  Mere words can’t describe Brett, seeing him and joe go at it was not to
>> be missed. His stuff last year on ESE was amazing and even the uber-experts
>> were shaking their heads so I didn’t feel so bad. Until I saw him last year,
>> to me, he was just a mythical creature on activdir AKA “Building #7
>> Garage Door Operator” who wrote many of the moving parts of AD for like 5+
>> years before moving over to ESE. It was storied that they never let him off
>> campus. When I first heard joe say something like, “I don’t understand a lot
>> of what he says but I always listen and try to” I was a little skeptical ,
>> but I started trying to follow what he wrote on activdir and made sure to
>> listen to him last year. Scary smart indeed. Of similar caliber is ~Eric
>> Fleishman but I thought I heard he moved on to a different world. I have not
>> had the opportunity to hear Ross Smith, I will have to make a point of that.
>> Oh and don’t sell yourself short, I would hardly call what I have seen of
>> your work “filler”. You are too modest J
>> Here’s part of a funny bit I saved from Brett from a few years ago when
>> they were talking about theoretical limits of AD/ESE-
>> “Anyway along time ago we (some AD people) went through all the various
>> aspects, issues, etc and we came up with "the safe value", that special
>> value we wanted to claim / support ... and we started saying 1 billion was
>> the official limit.  I updated the wikipedia topic on it awhile back.
>> The issue joe mentioned with the # of pages in an ESE database being 2^31
>> ... I like to state it as: "Jordie (my pseudonym for a paticularly talented
>> developer) took away the high bit before he moved off the ESE team, and
>> won't give it back.". <g> That is the funny way to say, paranoia drove one
>> of us to cap it to explicitly positive page numbers.  Given that the file
>> system is limited to 16 TBs for a single file for some paticular (?default?
>> 4k? max?) "allocation size", I don't really see this being fixed anytime
>> soon...
>> My confidence ranges from 53% to 72% for all the above info ... I don't
>> give a confidence of more than 80% to anything I didn't personally verify in
>> code, and never a confidence of over 90% that I didn't personally test that
>> the code worked like it looked ... that is experience talking.
>> Confidences of 53% to 72% probably means talented and smart /
>> non-blowheart types told me this information.
>> *Cough* ... for the realists ...
>> I've heard of two production ADs in excess of 50 M (less than 100 M
>> though), and have seen 46, 85 and 100 M object test DITs.  I've never seen
>> an AD database in excess of 100 GBs in size.  Basically, I'm neither worried
>> about the # of objects nor the database size of AD databases, as clearly
>> people haven't even gotten to an order of magnitude of the theoretical
>> limits, and we've still tested higher than production deployments I've heard
>> of / seen.  3 - 5 M is common for e-commerce directories.
>> While thoretically we could give ~2/7ths of the world an account in a
>> single AD database, that is not practical, limitations on backup/restore
>> time, SLAs, amount of query load per server, will likely cause one to scale
>> out and _probably_ partition (via NCs replicated to only some ADAM
>> instances) before going to billion area scales.  Management of database
>> size on these scales is non-trivial, and drives the real per server #'s of
>> objects / database sizes one should support down below 1 billion.
>> Even e-commece doesn't care about these kind of numbers, because if you
>> look at the income of the 1 billionth richest person in the world, you'll
>> probably realize she/he is not worth selling to.  Only hippies and the U.N.
>> care about going above 1 billion accounts.”
>> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 2:34 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> And…on the AD/Exchange side of the fence, you should DEFINITELY hear Brett
>> Shirley talk – he is one of the lead developers for ESE (the database
>> platform on which Exchange and AD are based – he’s scary smart). I’m going
>> to lock him into a room in LA and MAKE him give me some code this year he
>> promised me last year. J
>> For Exchange, you gotta see Ross Smith, IV (one of the absolute best
>> Exchange people I’ve ever met) and Dmitri Gavrilov (who used to be on the AD
>> team and is now on the Exchange team and can explain DSAccess/ADProxy so
>> that it actually makes sense).
>> (Not to mention me, Ilse, Scott, Nicolas, David, Juergen, etc. etc. – but
>> compared to the headliners, we are just filler.)
>> Regards,
>> Michael B. Smith
>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>> <>
>> *From:* Free, Bob []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 5:19 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> I would be remiss if I didn’t mention to check out Brian Desmond’s
>> presentations, I think he has at least 3. He is also totally top-notch.
>> *From:* Tim Evans []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 10:24 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> And it is because of your comments (and Joe Richards') about TEC that I
>> decided it give it a try. So, if I don't learn anything there, it must be
>> your fault :-)
>> ...Tim
>> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 10:07 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> And I will say that I personally find TEC more valuable than TechEd.
>> Lots of very smart people willing to sit down with a beer and answer
>> questions for you. No 100/200 level presentations. 350/400. Great stuff.
>> I’ve known Bob for probably 10 years now on this mailing list. First met
>> him physically at TEC (it was DEC – Directory Experts Conference then).
>> Regards,
>> Michael B. Smith
>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>> <>
>> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 1:02 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> The Experts Conference. They have AD, IdM, Exchange, and SharePoint
>> tracks.
>> Regards,
>> Michael B. Smith
>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>> <>
>> *From:* Steve Ens []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 1:00 PM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* Re: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> What is this TEC everyone is speaking about?  June always is not a good
>> time for me for Tech Ed, an April or May conference would be preferrable.
>> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Tim Evans <> wrote:
>> Cool!
>> I'm looking forward to your workshop and meeting you guys. This will be my
>> first TEC. I'm doing it this year instead of Tech Ed.
>> ...Tim
>> *From:* Michael B. Smith []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 9:06 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> /waves back….glad you got approved to go!
>> I’ve finished my presentation slides and am madly working to get my
>> pre-conference workshop material done…
>> Regards,
>> Michael B. Smith
>> Consultant and Exchange MVP
>> <>
>> *From:* Free, Bob []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 11:59 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* RE: Security - Marc Maiffret
>> Yes, he has for a number of years. It was really ironic that my manager
>> and I were chatting about him Wed night as his firm was doing some work with
>> our infosec team because she knew he and I used to keep in contact, then
>> this article hit the newsfeeds the next day. Maybe more eerily coincidental
>> J
>> He and I  chatted a little yesterday and I hope to meet up with him when
>> I’m down there at the end of the month for TEC.
>> /waves at MBS- See you the 25th
>> *From:* Steve Ens []
>> *Sent:* Friday, April 16, 2010 8:27 AM
>> *To:* NT System Admin Issues
>> *Subject:* Security - Marc Maiffret
>> Doesn't Marc post here from time to time?  Good interview.

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

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