On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 1:10 PM, David W. McSpadden <dav...@imcu.com> wrote:
> Mired down in meetings.

  I'm busy, too.  I suspect we all are.  Yet I and others are taking
the time to participate here.  Please do us all the same courtesy
yourself, and take the time to include relevant information in your

> External settings for imcu.org, indianamembersinsurance.com.

  "External settings"?

  Those domain names exist, I can query resource records for them.
ZoneCheck complains about some things, but nothing strictly related to

  If you mean, "I want everything to work right for everything all the
time", well, we all want that, but that's way too open-ended a

  Give us some clue as to what is driving your request and we may be
able to help you.

> I would like something that will me all the prefixes that are being used as
> well.

  Not sure what you mean by "prefixes".

  If you mean, you want to know all the child domain names under
<imcu.org>, you can't easily get that from an external tool unless
you're allowing zone transfers (and you're not).  But you should just
be able to look at your own DNS server, though, so I'm not sure I
understand the question.

-- Ben

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