On Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 2:49 PM, David W. McSpadden <dav...@imcu.com> wrote:
> Not so much over my head and a little foggy about the details.

  If you're going to be doing anything serious with DNS (and it sounds
like you are), I highly recommend the book /DNS and BIND/ from
O'Reilly.  While the content on BIND will be mostly irrelevant to you,
the stuff on theory, diagnostics, and tools will be invaluable.


  Or... there's also /DNS on Windows Server/, which is supposed to be
a more Microsoft-OS-oriented book.  It shares several of the same
authors, so I expect it could well be a better match.  I've just never
read it myself.


  Also, get yourself a copy of the ISC BIND utilities for Windows --
in particular, DIG.  DIG is a *much* better tool for diagnosing DNS
issues than NSLOOKUP.  For example, it can chase the delegation chain
for you:

        dig +trace ANY imcu.com. @a.root-servers.net.

  Sure beats querying servers one at a time by hand!

> These domains are test domains anyways ...

  Ah.  I am much relieved to hear that!  I was really worried you
might have impaired your organization's email there.  :)

-- Ben

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