On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Ben Scott <mailvor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... from "No password expiration" to "X days" ...
> ... 8-year-expired password before ...

  Thank you, everyone, for your informative and helpful responses!

  I think what I'll do is configure the password complexity
requirements first, and then (as suggested) send broadcast email
instructing people to change their password.  They'll have to pick a
strong password then.  Things keep working in the meantime.

  Then I'll use the ALOINFO tool (http://tinyurl.com/5n66v) to
generate a report on password ages.  With that, I can harass anyone
who hasn't changed their password in a timely fashion.

  I found the ALOINFO tool while looking for the ACCTINFO.DLL.  The
later also looks to be very useful, but more for single-user
investigations.  Reporting would require GUI clicking on each user;
not practical in even a 70 user organization.

  Thanks again!

-- Ben

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