
Well, I'd say there are a lot of nix based apps that require this and get it
out of my or pg:)

>Operating systems.

Yes, if your an MS shop without any nix experience, you have no choice...
Do what you know...

>I wrote an application for a customer that had to support three database 
>platforms (Access [arguably not a real database, but still...], MySQL, and 
>MS-SQL). It was a nightmare >getting it all right.

Right, but that doesn’t address the inquiry as to why it wasn’t written for 
*one* to start:)
If you write it for MS, it’s the same amount of work if you start out and write 
it for My or pg.

>IMO, MS-SQL, Oracle, and DB2 are the "enterprise DB platforms" providing full 
>support for clustering, mirroring, geographic dispersion, business 
>intelligence, business >analytics, reporting, etc. MySQL and PostgresSQL 
>aren't bad - but they aren't (again, IMO) full blown business analytic 

C'mon Michael, seriously? That’s a bit fan-boyish?:) 
With the utmost GREATEST respect to you, I humbly disagree...

There are some people that think opensource ware is simply a toy, while 
sometimes the model
promotes very good code and very extensive features sets. My and PG have some 
pretty impressive
HA models to work with.

My $0.02 Canadian worth of opinion:)

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