The noise level is insane *if* you subscribe to every single post in every 
single topic. I'm talking about one notification email for each new topic 
*only* in the sub-forum(s) you care about (e.g. Nuke Python, Nuke Users, etc), 
not automatic subscription to all posts. Put the thread title in the email 
title, and you can decide whether you want to click the link and actually read 
the topic (which you won't have to sign in to do if you don't want to leave 
yourself signed in permanently).

Obviously this idea wouldn't give you complete parity with a mailing list, and 
it's all contingent on A) the forum software supporting this level of 
subscription control, and B) The Foundry ensuring the notification emails are 
informative enough, but I figured I'd throw it out there as an idea.


From: Randy Little 
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 9:44 AM
To: Nuke user discussion 
Subject: Re: [Nuke-users] The forums are moving

Nathan the amount of noise from a forum emailed to you is INSANE.  Think about 
how many people on the mail list complain about anything off topic being noise 
now.   If I was getting forum emails it would just go off the charts.   Digest 
Oye,  read through a zillion topics again.   
Email.  goes in thread One email subject and all email go into that thread and 
I never see another email accept the original.  Forum would be a new non 
threaded email for every forum post. At least thats has been my experience with 
other forums.   

Randy S. Little

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Nathan Rusch <> wrote:

  I would love to keep the mailing lists alive as well, although I'm not 
vehemently against forums.

  However, I think it's worth noting that the interchange between the lists and 
the old forums is (I believe) nonexistent at this point. There are a ton of 
topics on the forums that most people here aren't aware of, and none of what is 
posted here ends up on the forums. In other words, there's effectively a small, 
detached community of people on the list side, and a (probably much larger) 
separate community on the forums who either don't know the lists exist, or 
don't care enough to figure out how to use them. Granted, this keeps the 
signal-to-noise ratio of the lists at a very nice level...

  For those of you planning to jump ship, while I'm not on the new forums yet 
myself, I think it should be possible to set up your forum account so you 
receive an email whenever a new topic is posted, or a daily topic digest if you 
preferred. This would make it behave somewhat more like a mailing list, except 
you would need to click a link instead of "reply" to respond. Food for thought, 


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