Its hard to say without seeing the established look, but basically emitter, turbulence, gravity. Then play with the knobs until you are happy.

Or do you have any specific question?

Am 26.05.2016 um 22:37 schrieb Michael Garrett:
I have not as yet used Nuke particles in production, but now seems to finally be the time. I have about ten shots that need falling/floating grey ash in a room, with a bit of turbulence. Somewhat like grey snow. The look is established already with an element on a card which is some dust blowing around that I've slowed down with Kronos. It doesn't need to settle.

This seems like a straightforward task, it seems the best approach is to have a rectangular emitter at "ceiling height" and create some basic textured geo for the ash so that it tumbles (unlike a sprite).

The best tutorial I've seen online is the falling leaves one, so I intend to go through that more carefully. Any tips appreciated though.


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