On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 9:03 AM Ralf Gommers <ralf.gomm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe we need a "NumpyObsoleteWarning" :) At the least, we should probably
>> have a list of obsolete functions in the documentation somewhere. My main
>> concern is that as we go forward we might end up supporting a bunch of
>> functions that are seldom used and have better replacements. We need some
>> method of pruning.
> Given the list of uses Stephan turned up and Robert saying it's a useful
> function, I'm -1 on any warning. If np.diff gets the same padding behavior,
> we can document ediff1d in its document as being superceded with a
> recommendation to use np.diff instead.

To be clear, I don't think np.ediff1d is particularly useful or necessary,
despite these uses. Most of these uses don't even use the optional
arguments, so the author was probably simply ignorant of np.diff. This is
more or less inevitable for most corners of NumPy's API, given how many
users we have.

"PendingDeprecationWarning" is Python's built-in warning for signaling that
something is obsolete but not deprecated yet. It might be appropriate to
use in these cases. The default warning filters silence it for users, so it
doesn't show up unless you're very aggressive about enabling all warnings.
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