Christopher Barker wrote:
> Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
>> I recently got motivated to get better linear algebra for Python;
> wonderful!
>> To me that seems like the ideal way to split up code -- let NumPy/SciPy 
>> deal with the array-oriented world and Sage the closer-to-mathematics 
>> notation.
> well, maybe -- but there is a lot of call for pure-computational linear 
> algebra. I do hope you'll consider building the computational portion of 
> it in a way that might be included in numpy or scipy by itself in the 
> future.

This is readily done -- there is no computational portion except for 
what is in NumPy/Scipy or scikits, and I intend for it to remain that 
way. It's just another interface, really.

(What kind of computations were you thinking about?)

Dag Sverre
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