On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 11:50 AM, Wayne Watson <sierra_mtnv...@sbcglobal.net
> wrote:

> I guess I'll become accustomed to it over time. I have some interesting
> things to do for which I will need the facilities of numpy.
> I realized where I got into trouble with some of this. I was not
> differentiating between the dimensionality of space and that of a matrix
> or array. I haven't had to crank out math and computer work for quite
> awhile. Further, I've been doing a lot of reading on the Big Bang, and
> the dimensionality of space. I'm presently strongly biased towards
> thinking about space. For example, when I say 2D, I'm thinking of plane
> geometry space, and 3D as the world we live in.
> Thanks to all on this thread.
Ah, you got confused between number of elements (spatial dimension) vs
number of indices (programming dimensions). Programming dimensions are more
like the dimensions of a box or container, i.e., width x height (2
dimensional array) or width x height x depth (three dimensional array). You
can put stuff in a container and the dimensions tell you how it is arranged

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