
On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:44 PM, Travis Oliphant <tra...@continuum.io> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 12:12 AM, Travis Oliphant <tra...@continuum.io>
> wrote:
>> I'm wondering about using one of these commercial issue tracking plans for
>> NumPy and would like thoughts and comments.    Both of these plans allow
>> Open Source projects to have unlimited plans for free.
> Free usage of a tool that's itself not open source is not all that different
> from using Github, so no objections from me.
>> YouTrack from JetBrains:
>> http://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/features/issue_tracking.html
> This looks promising. It seems to have good Github integration, and I
> checked that you can easily export all your issues (so no lock-in). It's a
> company that isn't going anywhere (I hope), and they do a very nice job with
> PyCharm.
> I do like the team behind JetBrains.   And I've seen and heard good things
> about TeamCity.   Thanks for reminding me about the build-bot situation.
>  That is one thing I would like to address sooner rather than later as
> well.

We've (nipy) got a buildbot collection working OK.   If you want to go
that way you are welcome to use our machines.  It's a somewhat flaky
setup though.


I have the impression that the Cython / SAGE team are happy with their
Jenkins configuration.

Ondrej did some nice stuff on integrating a build with the github pull requests:


Some discussion of buildbot and Jenkins:


See you,

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