On 2/15/12 3:25 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
> 4) It is possible for Continuum to want features that are good for
> Continuum, but bad for the code-base in general.  For example,
> Continuum may have some product that requires a particular arcane
> feature in numpy.
> Through these mechanisms, Numpy can lose developers and commitment
> (please note) *relative to the situation where there is formal
> governance*.
> Obviously, at worst, this can lead to a split.   We can avoid that
> *risk* with a sensible governance model that is satisfactory for all
> parties.  I'm sure that's achievable.

Hi All,

I'm one of the Continuum devs tasked with contributing to numpy core. I 
have experience as a numpy user in the past but the core C code is new 
to me, and getting familiar with it has been an enlightening experience, 
to say the least. One of our primary long term goals is to make the core 
codebase much cleaner and more modular. The outcome we expect and hope 
for as a result of this effort are:

1) Encourage more core developers to join numpy because the codebase is 
more approachable (I hope we are all everyone agreed that it is very 
desirable to attract more core devs)

2) Allow the development of new types and features to have some relative 
insulation from one another and from numpy core

Increased modularity mitigates the risk of any conflicts between 
Continuum and the numpy community (if any should ever actually arise), 
and reduces the chance of a split. Having more core devs spreads around 
the responsibility for making decisions while still vesting that 
responsibility largely among the folks actually contributing their time 
and effort.

Perhaps then the most important question is how to get to a cleaned up, 
modular numpy core? The details of that roadmap should definitely be 
hashed out here on the list. But if we can get to that state, I think 
everyone can pursue both their shared and individual interests 
comfortably, regardless of what type of formal or informal governance 
might be adopted in the future.

BTW I'd also just like to take this chance to say "Hello" to the list, I 
am very excited to help improve numpy.

Bryan Van de Ven

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

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