On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Sturla Molden <stu...@molden.no> wrote:
> On 05.03.2012 14:26, "V. Armando Solé" wrote:
>> In 2009 there was a thread in this mailing list concerning the access to
>> BLAS from C extension modules.
>> If I have properly understood the thread:
>> http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2009-November/046567.html
>> the answer by then was that those functions were not exposed (only f2py
>> functions).
>> I just wanted to know if the situation has changed since 2009 because it
>> is not uncommon that to optimize some operations one has to sooner or
>> later access BLAS functions that are already wrapped in numpy (either
>> from ATLAS, from the Intel MKL, ...)
> Why do you want to do this? It does not make your life easier to use
> NumPy or SciPy's Python wrappers from C. Just use BLAS directly from C
> instead.

Of course it does make his life easier. This way he does not have to
distribute his own BLAS/LAPACK/etc...

Please stop presenting as truth things which are at best highly
opiniated. You already made such statements many times, and it is not
helpful at all.

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