Den 07.03.2012 21:02, skrev "V. Armando Solé":

I had already used the information Robert Kern provided on the 2009 thread and obtained the PyCObject as:

from scipy.linalg.blas import fblas
dgemm = fblas.dgemm._cpointer
sgemm = fblas.sgemm._cpointer

but I did not find a way to obtain those pointers from numpy. That was the goal of my post. My extension needs SciPy installed just to fetch the pointer. It would be very nice to have a way to get similar information from numpy.

By the way, here is a code I wrote to use DGELS instead of DGELSS for least-squares (i.e. QR instead of SVD). It shows how we can grab a LAPACK function from MKL when using EPD.


import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgError


    import ctypes
    from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer

    _c_int_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
    _c_double_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)
_double_array_1d = ndpointer(dtype=np.float64, ndim=1, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS' ) _int_array_1d = ndpointer(dtype=np.int32, ndim=1, flags='C_CONTIGUOUS' ) _double_array_2d = ndpointer(dtype=np.float64, ndim=2, flags='F_CONTIGUOUS' )

    intel_mkl = ctypes.CDLL('mk2_rt.dll')

    dgels = intel_mkl.DGELS
    dgels.restype = None
dgels.argtypes = (ctypes.c_char_p, _c_int_p, _c_int_p, _c_int_p, # TRANS, M, N, NRHS
                        _double_array_2d, _c_int_p, # A, LDA
                        _double_array_2d, _c_int_p, # b, LDB
_double_array_1d, _c_int_p, _c_int_p) # WORK, LWORK, INFO

    _one = ctypes.c_int(1)
    _minus_one = ctypes.c_int(-1)
    _no_transpose = ctypes.c_char_p("N")

    def copy_fortran(x, dtype=np.float64):
        return np.array(x, dtype=dtype, copy=True, order='F')

    def lstsq( X, y ):
        assert(X.ndim == 2)
        assert(y.ndim == 1)
        X = copy_fortran(X)
        y = copy_fortran(y[:,np.newaxis])
        assert(X.shape[0] == y.shape[0])
        m = ctypes.c_int(X.shape[0])
        n = ctypes.c_int(X.shape[1])
        ldx = ctypes.c_int(m.value)
        ldy = ctypes.c_int(m.value)
        info = ctypes.c_int(0)

        swork = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.float64)
dgels(_no_transpose, ctypes.byref(m), ctypes.byref(n), ctypes.byref(_one),
                X, ctypes.byref(ldx), y,  ctypes.byref(ldy),
                swork, ctypes.byref(_minus_one),

        if info.value < 0:
raise ValueError, 'illegal argument to lapack dgels: arg no. %d' % (-info.value,)
        if info.value > 0:
raise LinAlgError, 'lapack error %d, X does not have full rank' % (info.value,)

        lwork = ctypes.c_int(int(swork[0]))
        work = np.zeros(lwork.value, dtype=np.float64)

dgels(_no_transpose, ctypes.byref(m), ctypes.byref(n), ctypes.byref(_one),
                X, ctypes.byref(ldx), y,  ctypes.byref(ldy),
                work, ctypes.byref(lwork),

        if info.value < 0:
raise ValueError, 'illegal argument to lapack dgels: arg no. %d' % (-info.value,)
        if info.value != 0:
raise LinAlgError, 'lapack error %d, X does not have full rank' % (info.value,)

        return (y[:X.shape[1],0],)

    from scipy.linalg import lstsq

def linreg(y, X):
    return lstsq(X,y)[0]

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