On 2015-08-13 08:52:22, Anne Archibald <peridot.face...@gmail.com> 
> My current approach is to build an empty virtualenv, pip install 
> nose, and from the numpy root directory do "python setup.py 
> build_ext --inplace" and "python -c 'import numpy; 
> numpy.test()'". This works, for my stock system python, though I 
> get a lot of weird messages suggesting distutils problems (for 
> example "python setup.py develop", although suggested by 
> setup.py itself, claims that "develop" is not a command). But I 
> don't know how (for example) to test with python3 without 
> starting from a separate clean source tree.

Nowadays, you can use

pip install -e .

to install an in-place "editable" version of numpy.  This should 
also execute "build_ext" for you.

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