On Thu, Aug 13, 2015 at 11:25 AM, Stefan van der Walt <stef...@berkeley.edu>

> >(for
> > example "python setup.py develop", although suggested by
> > setup.py itself, claims that "develop" is not a command).

develop is a command provided by setuptools, not distutils itself.

I find it absolutely invaluable -- it is THE way to go when actively
working on any package under development.

if numpy doesn't currently use setuptools, it probably should (though maybe
it's gets messy with numpy's distutils extensions...)

Nowadays, you can use
> pip install -e .

pip "injects" setuptools into the mix -- so this may be develope mode with
a different name. but yes, a fine option for a package that doesn't use
setuptools out of the box.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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