Hi Gene,

On 5/16/23 21:08, gene heskett wrote:

Take an extra vitamin b1 and start hacking ;o)
yeah ;-)

Seriously, if its that important, do as I did when my last wife was dying of COPD.

:( sorry to hear

Leave your ups setup as is but for under $10k (USD), have an automatic home sized standby generator installed to run the important stuff,

no room for that and also our set-up is kind of large, the two UPS systems I'm talking about are 800kVA each and without doing the actual maths, I'd guess we would need at least a 100kW generator.

That would come with all sort of other problems (getting a room, deciding whether to run all the time for quick mains sync, i.e. generator wheel is powered by mains when not needed, fuel exchange every few months as gas add-ons tend to flocculate(?) when stored too long, ...).

So, I doubt that will materialize any time soon ;-)



Dr. Carsten Aulbert, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany, Phone +49 511 762 17185

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