Hi Jim,

(sorry for the late reply, public holiday here yesterday, day mostly off today),

On 5/17/23 20:02, Jim Klimov wrote:
Makes sense, and a PR is a way to solicit feedback :)

then, I will try to materialize that one next week and hopefully does not butcher the wanted style.

I'd document this for ups.conf (man page and examples), including a note that for devices which do provide a healthy LB these values may be set to 0 safely. Wondering if non-zero defaults should be there anyway. @Community, WDYT?

At the moment I'm aiming for the clients, i.e. upsmon.conf. That way, each client class could be configured to react to different "critical" levels. But OTOH I would understand having this feature (also?) in the server to mitigate UPSes without LB. And yeah, defaults should be 0 to never trigger unless set by users.

Also, this critical-state check should be done only when the UPS is on battery (and perhaps not calibrating), to avoid shutdowns as soon as we start after an outage :)

I do fully agree.

For upsmon.conf, shall this be something settable per UPS, e.g. something like this?

UPS_CRITICAL_CHARGE 34 ups1@localhost
UPS_CRITICAL_RUNTIME 200 ups2@remote

What to you think?



PS: I've never looked into the ups.conf/server code as for me the "natural" place to address my current problem was on the client side as we only wanted to have this for special clients and MINSUPPLIES was defined there. Shall I still look at the server part as well?

Dr. Carsten Aulbert, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics,
Callinstraße 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany, Phone +49 511 762 17185

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