I've browsed the archives back for a few months and nothing has jumped out at me as being helpful, but since there doesn't seem to be a search facility it's certainly possible I've missed what I'm looking for. Anyway, I wonder if someone can help me.

I've very recently installed nut 2.0.4-r1 on a gentoo box and am in the initial stages of configuration and testing. Our APC Smart-UPS 3000 is connected with a 940-0024C serial cable, which seems to be a good one to use - I firstly removed the 940-1524C cable which happened to be dangling from the UPS.

I've configured upsd.conf with
        driver = apcsmart
        cable = 940-0024C
        port = auto
        desc = "Rack 1 UPS"
and left most other files as default, except for following some parts of doco on initial setup.

The problem: When I /etc/init.d/upsd start, I get this:
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.4
Can't connect to UPS [rack1ups] (apcsmart-auto): No such file or directory
Synchronizing........ giving up

"auto" is replaced with "ttyS0" when I change 'port' to '/dev/ttyS0'


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