Charles Lepple wrote:
> On 1/30/07, Gregory Orange <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've browsed the archives back for a few months and nothing has jumped
> > out at me as being helpful, but since there doesn't seem to be a search
> > facility it's certainly possible I've missed what I'm looking for.
> For future searches, you can use Google with
> ' nut-upsdev OR nut-upsuser' and then your
> search string. Not pretty, but it works.

Cool! In fact, with this information, you can easily make a customized
NUT lists search engine with the following HTML snippet:

 <form action=""; method="get">
 <input maxlength="2048" name="as_q" size="25" type="text">
 <input name="as_oq" type="hidden" value="nut-upsuser nut-upsdev">
 <input name="domains" value="" type="hidden">
 <input name="sitesearch" value="" type="hidden">
 <input name="btnG" value="Search NUT lists" type="submit">

Arnaud, could you put this on the NUT homepage somewhere? E.g. at

I tried putting this directly on the list homepages on Alioth, but the
server deletes any custom forms. But it would be useful to have a
search page on, and then we can link to it
from the list archives. 

-- Peter

Nut-upsuser mailing list

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