> ./upsd -DDD -u root
> Network UPS Tools upsd 2.1.0
> /usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.conf is world readable

That is bad, fix it.

> listen_add: added
> listening on port 3493
> Connected to UPS [mge-nova]: mge-nova
> /usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.users is world readable

This is *really* bad, you *must* fix this or risk that people with access
to this file shutdown your system. Future versions of NUT may refuse to
start when this is found.

> Pinging UPS [mge-nova]
> Pinging UPS [mge-nova]
> sstate_dead: didn't hear from driver for UPS [mge-nova] for 0 seconds

Oops! For some reason you decided to set MAXAGE to 0 seconds. Please read
the appropriate section from 'man 5 upsd.conf' again. Do not set MAXAGE to
anything *lower* than the 15 second default.

> Data for UPS [mge-nova] is stale - check driver
> sstate_dead: didn't hear from driver for UPS [mge-nova] for 0 seconds
> Pinging UPS [mge-nova]
> sstate_dead: didn't hear from driver for UPS [mge-nova] for 0 seconds
> (continues on like this)

Sure it will. If you tell the server that the date it receives expires
immediately, it will happily report that back to you. What made you think
setting MAXAGE to 0 was a good idea?

> The window running usbhid-ups does not show any further output while
> this is occuring.
> I could use some suggestions on where to go from here.  I'm happy to
> test code, capture debugs, etc, to get these FreeBSD related problems
> sorted out.

No need for all this, you just messed up your upsd.conf file... :-)

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

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