On 2/27/07, A.Lizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 04:48 AM 2/27/07, you wrote:
>On 2/27/07, A.Lizard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>and "upsd gets a 'connection refused' message" was a typo, I meant *upsc* .
>>I haven't tried running upsd since building the wrong source package.
>upsc connects to upsd (this is the network portion of "Network UPS
>Tools"), so upsd needs to be running or else you will get a
>"connection refused" message from upsc.
>upsd also connects to the individual drivers, as Arjen as pointed out.
>- Charles Lepple

interesting... so I tried this and got:

terrarium:/home/alizard#  /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsd -u root
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.5-pre2
/usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.conf is world readable
Connected to UPS [belkin-ups]: belkin-ups
/usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.users is world readable

and knutclient suddenly started displaying.

Afterwards, I tried:
  2469 ?        00:00:00 upsd
  2515 pts/1    00:00:00 ps
terrarium:/home/alizard# kill -9 2469
terrarium:/home/alizard# /etc/init.d/nut start
Starting Network UPS Tools: (upsdrvctl failed).
terrarium:/home/alizard# /etc/init.d nut stop
bash: /etc/init.d: is a directory
terrarium:/home/alizard# /etc/init.d/nut stop
Stopping Network UPS Tools: (upsdrvctl failed) upsd upsmon.
terrarium:/home/alizard#  /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsd -u root
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.5-pre2
/usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.conf is world readable
Connected to UPS [belkin-ups]: belkin-ups
/usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.users is world readable

[note - I have root , nut , alizard entries in upsd.users ]

upsd.users lists roles - they don't have to be named like the system
users such as root or nut.

The "-u" parameter for the daemons is for overriding the choice of the
"nut" system user.

terrarium:/home/alizard#  /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsd -u alizard
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.5-pre2
Can't chdir to /var/state/ups: Permission denied

Right, permissions are usually restricted to the nut system user on
that directory.

terrarium:/home/alizard#  /usr/local/ups/sbin/upsd -u nut
Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.5-pre2
/usr/local/ups/etc/upsd.conf is world readable
Can't connect to UPS [belkin-ups] (belkin-ups): Permission denied

This is also expected, since it sounds like you still have the driver
running with "-u root".

- Charles Lepple

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