> I tried building nut 2.0.5 pre2 from source using the user=nut and make
> usb options, and got the same results.

That's an old version, please don't use that anymore. The latest stable
version is nut-2.0.5. Furthermore, you should specify the same '-u user'
for both upsdrvctl and upsd.

> It works from -u root, but upsd gets a "connection refused" message.

The fact that it works as root is usually is indicative for a permissions
problem on the usb port. The other message is probably due to the fact
that if you run the driver as root, upsd must run as root too.

> Same messages when I run newhidups directly. I can't find any processes
> connected to the UPS.

If you start up the driver via upsdrvctl, the driver will show up as
'newhidups' if started successfully.

> I am open to suggestions. Giving up isn't an option for me, I really do
> need to get this running and more to the point, I'm writing an article
> about this which is due in a few days.
> here's some of the output I've gotten:
> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2
> Network UPS Tools: 0.28 USB communication driver 0.28 - core 0.30
> (2.0.5-pre2)
> No matching HID UPS found
> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

See above.

> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl stop
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2
> Can't open /var/state/ups/newhidups-belkin-ups.pid: No such file or
> directory

If the driver isn't running, you can't stop it (there will be no pid file).

> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl -u root start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2
> Network UPS Tools: 0.28 USB communication driver 0.28 - core 0.30
> (2.0.5-pre2)
> Detected a UPS: Belkin/UPS
> Using subdriver: Belkin HID 0.1

After this, starting 'upsd -u root' should also work.

> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl -u root stop
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2

This means the state directory apparently exists, a driver was found and
it has been send a signal to stop successfully. Most likely, it will stop.

> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl -u nut stop
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2
> Can't open /var/state/ups/newhidups-belkin-ups.pid: No such file or
> directory

You already stopped the driver in the step before, so there is nothing
left to stop.

> terrarium:/usr/local/ups/etc# /usr/local/ups/bin/upsdrvctl -u nut start
> Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.5-pre2
> Network UPS Tools: 0.28 USB communication driver 0.28 - core 0.30
> (2.0.5-pre2)
> No matching HID UPS found
> Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

Again, this is a permissions problem on the usb port. The solution to this
problem is in scripts/hotplug or scripts/hotplug-ng (depending on the
kernel you're using).

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

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