> Does the problem occur frequently? The more details, the better.
> from there, 3 possibilities (need more details to audit):
> - if the problem occurred only once, then you've seen a battery test,
> - else you have some electrical problems upstream,
> - else the UPS has some internal problem.
> A workaround would be to increase upsd.conf -> MAXAGE (ie to 20 - 25)
> and upsmon.conf -> DEADTIME (to 20 - 25 too)

I doubt this will work.

The driver will broadcast any changes it sees in the status from the UPS,
regardless of the value of MAXAGE. The latter is only used by the server
to determine when to PING the driver, if the server has heard nothing from
the driver lately. But it can't be used to mask out unwanted messages from
the driver, this has to be done in the driver.

Changing MAXAGE and DEADTIME should no longer be necessary, since they
only determine the timeouts for communication between driver/server and
server/client respectively. Increasing the value of DEADTIME used to be a
solution if you saw lots of packet loss between server and client, but
since we use TCP exclusively nowadays, this is not really relevant

Best regards, Arjen
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
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