On 12/8/2016 10:37 PM, Charles Lepple wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2016, at 1:34 PM, Mike wrote:
>> I didn't want to sign up for the nut-devs list or create a git account
>> just to provide this information, so I hope posting this info here is OK...
> Not a problem. (Both lists go into the same mailbox on my end.) The important 
> part is the "HCL" subject so I can find it later.
> For anyone else who runs across this: you don't necessarily need to be 
> subscribed to the list to send an HCL entry. It will take some time for me to 
> get to the moderator web page to let it through, so please be patient.
>> The result of the command
>> upscmd -u user -p password myups load.off.delay 300
>> is an immediate power-off, no delay.
> Hmm. Certainly possible that we are sending the delay to the wrong spot. 
> Hopefully the 300 is overriding the 20-second delay specified by 
> ups.delay.shutdown.
> You can try restarting just the driver with debug flags - something like the 
> following, depending on your distribution's paths:
> /lib/nut/usbhid-ups -a <name> -DDD 2>&1 | tee CPS-EC750G.log
> Let it run for 45-60 seconds and then stop it with Ctrl-C. Please compress 
> the log with gzip before posting.

Hi Charles,

Command, run on FreeBSD 11.0 (amd64)

/usr/local/libexec/nut/usbhid-ups -a myups -DDD 2>&1 | tee CPS-EC750G.log

70 seconds of output attached.

Let me know if you need anything else.  This is an 'on the shelf' spare
UPS for me, so there is some flexibility in playing with it...


Attachment: CPS-EC750G.log.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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