On Mon, 15 May 2017, Dinow Hsieh wrote:

==> I have tried this command "upsdrvctl shutdown" as below results (However 
the UPS still sustain the power)

    Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.1
    Network UPS Tools - Generic HID driver 0.38 (2.7.1)
    USB communication driver 0.32
    Using subdriver : PowerCOM HID 0.4
    Initiating UPS shutdown

Hi, Normally one would expect the UPS to disconnect it's power outlets after the default ups.delay.shutdown = 20 seconds. Could you show us the output of command "upsc pcmups"?

CC. Do you have a script in a systemd system-shutdown directory which calls
"upsdrvctl shutdown" ?

==> No

Once the command "upsdrvctl shutdown" works, you will need to incorporate it in your shutdown process. NUT 2.7.4 includes file .../scripts/systemd/nutshutdown . Does Ubunti install this?

 >   5. File = notifycmd
 >   #!/bin/bash
 >   #
 >   # NUT NOTIFYCMD script
 >   PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
 >   trap "exit 0" SIGTERM
 >   if [ "$NOTIFYTYPE" = "ONLINE" ]
 >   then
 >       echo $0: power restored | wall

Does wall successfully notify the users on an Ubuntu system?   If you type

   echo "Hello from wall" | wall

do the users of Gnome, KDE, LXDE, LightDM etc see the message?

    fi    6. File =upssched.conf
        CMDSCRIPT  /bin/upssched-cmd
        PIPEFN  /var/run/nut/upssched/upssched.pipe
        LOCKFN  /var/run/nut/upssched/upssched.lock

It doesn't look as if upssched will be called, since your NOTIFYCMD is pointing to your script and not upssched. So upssched.conf will not be used.

BB. What does command "ps aux | grep ups"  report?

==> Yes. Below is the concise result
    nut  /lib/nut/usbhid-ups  -a  pcmups
    nut  upsd
    root  upsmon
    nut  upsmon

Perhaps the BSD syntax doesn't work on Debian, ps -elf | grep -E "nut|upsd|upsmon" would have been better. I will make a note for next time.

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