My code currently resides in $NUTCH_HOME/src/plugin/custom-meta . The output I pasted was from ant, I'm not sure what it does with the build directory. I do know that custom-meta never shows up in $NUTCH_HOME/plugin.

Chris Mattmann wrote:
Hi Chris,

 It seems from your email message that your plugin is located in
$NUTCH_HOME/build/custom-meta? Is this where your plugin * code * is
currently stored? If so, this is the wrong location and the most likely
reason that your plugin isn't being loaded.

 Plugin code should live in $NUTCH_HOME/src/plugins, so in your case, you'd
have /usr/local/nutch-0.8/src/plugin/custom-meta, with the underlying plugin
code dir structure underneath there. Then, to deploy your plugin to the
build directory (which is $NUTCH_HOME/build/plugins), you would type: ant

Give this a shot and see if that fixes it.


On 8/17/06 3:05 PM, "Chris Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Its definitely not trying to load my plugin, I added that debug setting
and didn't see anything regarding my plugin.  One thing I noticed is
that my plugin is not in the plugins directory.  At what point do the
plugs get copied there?  Here is the output from my compile:

     [echo] Compiling plugin: custom-meta
    [javac] Compiling 3 source files to
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

      [jar] Building jar:


     [copy] Copying 1 file to /usr/local/nutch-0.8/build/plugins/custom-meta

Did you check if your plugin.xml is read by putting the plugin package
in debug mode?
(put this in the

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stephens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: 0.8 not loading plugins

I have this line in src/plugin/build.xml under the deploy section:

<ant dir="custom-meta" target="deploy" />

The plugin is compiling ok.  I spent several days getting errors on
compile and investing how to port them to 0.8.

Jonathan Addison wrote:
Hi Chris,

Chris Stephens wrote:
I think I finally have my plugin ported to 0.8, however I cannot get
my plugin to load.

My plugin.includes file in conf/nutch-site.xml has the following for
its plugin.includes value:

My plugin is the 'custom-meta' entry at the end.

My plugin never shows up in the Registered Plugins list in the
hadoop.log, and lines in my plugin that run never show up
as well.  Is there a step I am missing with 0.8, what should I do
next to debug the problem?
Have you also added your plugin to plugin/build.xml?
Thank you,

Chris Stephens

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