Hi Scott,

feel free - I have no options on that.

From my very little point of view the nutch > .8 source stream is a one way street. In all my projects we move as far as possible away from nutch. I like hadoop a lot and writing customer tools on top of it is - that easy. But nutch .8 was a proof of concept for the early hadoop. There is only one serious developer left and wow how great he does his job - but nutch >.8 is just too monolithic, to difficult to extend, to difficult to debug, to difficult to integrate for a serious mission critical application. I spend a signification part of my life daily working with nutch, but if someone would ask - I would answer don't use it. May be one day we can get some developer together first think about a good extendable design and than start a 2.x stream or a new project. And ... yes no opic and yes definitely no plugin architecture (I feel very sorry for all that wast so much life time because of my terrible complicate plugin system) but a clean IOC design with lightweight default interface implementations and a great test coverage. Anyway just my *very little* point of view based on 3.5 years nutch experience.


On 18.01.2007, at 21:33, Scott Green wrote:


I also dived into contrib/web2 in nutch. The one and admin-gui are
both owns some plugins based on nutch plugin architecture. So I think
it is great if we extract something in high level and they should have
a lot commons.  Well, i dont know it is the right time to do this job.

On 1/19/07, Stefan Groschupf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just finished reading all source code about nutch gui. And
> personally i don't like putting a lot of code snippets into jsp files
> since it takes a lot time when refactoring. So how about to adopt
> using velocity/freemarker with servlet?

In general I agree it is the view layer and should have as less as
possible code, however the idea was to have as less as possible
dependencies to thirdparty tools and libraries and also getting
things realized with low tech (jsp).


101tec Inc.
Menlo Park, California

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